Coach Purnima

E2 — As a Woman How to Make Others Value Your Career

Purnima Thakre and Yoselin Bugallo Season 1 Episode 2

As women, we often have to convince others of the value of our careers. How do we find balance and draw boundaries in our personal and professional lives?

This episode of “Empowered Women Empower Women,” is with Yoselin Bugallo, the Director of Admissions at the NYU Stern School of Business. As a specialist in career development, Yoselin has learned a variety of lessons over the years—and one piece of advice that stood out to her was that who you choose as your life partner is one of the most important decisions you make in your career. 

We’re trained to look at our life in buckets that we keep separate. Everyone has a career bucket, which we’re told shouldn’t mix with our personal bucket. But we don’t really live in buckets. What happens in our personal lives and in our support systems reflects on our career. Surrounding yourself with a support system that can pitch in when you ask for help can be the framework for a great career. 

Believe you are worth the conversation. Believe you are worth getting what you need.

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