Coach Purnima
Glimpse into the career questions that the women behind Empowered Women Series have.Empowered Women Series is on a mission to get more women into positions of power in order to build a more just, equitable and peaceful world. We interview inspiring, successful women to help you get answers to career questions that you can't find on the internet. What questions do you have? Send us your questions, and follow @EmpoweredWomenSeries on Instagram and Youtube.
Coach Purnima
E13 — How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome is all too common a condition that many accomplished people experience; men and women alike.
Imposter Syndrome is characterized by a psychological pattern in which someone doubts their capabilities and accomplishments, such that they often dread being exposed as undeserving or inadequate.
Jody Seay is a highly successful woman whose diverse career experiences have been fulfilling and unconventionally versatile. As a gifted radio host, author, and more, Jody does not seem to be a woman whose work life had sometimes been inundated by self-doubt. However, listening to such a renowned person discuss her more personal experiences surrounding the topic is not only reassuring, but also deepens our respect for her.
Have you ever experienced Imposter Syndrome? If so, when, and if you overcame it, how?